
Destroyer makes TV.

He DESTROYS TV so that his master The Mighty Galactus can consume their world.


The Destroyer Armor became Sentient with the Power Cosmic

During a time when Firelord is looking to find new work, Galactus sets him out to find a replacement. He first tries to sway Thor into becoming the new Herald, but that was never going to happen so the two decide to hand over the Destroyer Armor to Galactus who then imbues the enchanted armor with sentience and makes him his new Herald.


The armor was already incredibly powerful, but with sentience and the Power Cosmic, it became a significant presence in the cosmos. Loki ended up taking a shine to the armor, and he goes about stealing it while Galactus is dealing with other things. In the end, the armor ended up being his Herald, and he had to once again set about the universe looking for another replacement.